Mobile Phone Number

Sports injury Brighton & Hove, Sports therapy Brighton & Hove, Running injuries Brighton & Hove, massage therapy Brighton & Hove.

The Agora Phone Number 01273 95 00 35

Knee pain

Knee pain is not as complicated as some make it out to be. It’s a hinge joint and many outcomes of knee discomfort happens to stem from further up the leg including quad and hip. If you’re experiencing swelling, chances being that you have some damage hence your brain has released swelling into that joint rather like an air bag!

Things that can help speed up recovery:

  1. Rest from weight baring activities. Evaluate, test and diagnose the injury to confirm what’s going on underneath.
  2. Release off surrounding muscle groups as they have a habit of tightening around the joint to protect itself.
  3. Put in place a strength and conditioning program to help strengthen the area and surrounding muscles to prevent this injury from occurring again.

How I can help

My first job is to diagnose what injury you have and also try to tap into where you are in the injury cycle. Injuries can result from a sudden fall, slip, slide or tackle, but can also happen with overuse or increase of intensity. This is important to know as your rehab much depends on the catalyst of your pain. Expect a hands on treatment in most cases, plus I've got a great RockTape trick (kinesiology tape) to help offset discomfort should you be mid training or competition. Rest aids recovery almost every time, but I also understand that soem of you just need to keep going! 


Life hack

Foam roll the quads out as much as you can every day for minimum 60 seconds. Tight quads have a habit of playing havoc on your patellas (that's knees by the way!)



Book in today

Book 60 minutes with me (£65), I'll take you through everything I know about your injury and impower you with all you need to do to get you out of discomfort and help get you back to doing what you love to do.

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