They say there are 3 kinds of runners...
They say there are 3 kids of runners, runners that have an injury, runners that are just getting over an injury and runners that are just about to have an injury!
I've run pretty much since my early twenties. Doesn't necessarily make me a good runner, but I would say it's made me quite robust! Many chase the medal, the PB or the bucket list; where as i've always run to keep my mind sharp and my brain sane! Mindful of my own reliance to run to help stabilise my emotional health, it's become an infactuation to help support my patients back to doing what they also love to do in order to maintain a healthy mental equilibrium too.
My desire to understand running has been a bit of an obsession too. I geeked out from 2006 and immersed myself into the world of biomechanics utilising some of the most up to date technology, writing for many Running Magazines and presenting at some of the most amazing events.
2001 - Studied soft tissue injuries, soft tissue therapy, anatomy and physiology
2003 - Launched David Lloyds first injury clinic, Brighton Marina
2006 - Asics biomechanics academy, shoe fit design
2007 - Clifton Bradley 'sub4 podiatry' lower limb assessments and orthotic provision
2008 - 2009 Currex GmbH level 1,2,3 biomechanics 2D running gait analysis
2009 - Launched StrideUK Performance Analysis, 2D full body running assessments
2010 - Pose / Alexander technique Running Coach Malcolm Balk
2010 - 2014 Running Fitness + Runners World magazine running expert / columnist / Q&A contributer
2011 - Newton / Natural running coach
2011 - Yelling Performance guest speaker Oxfam marathon training camp
2012, 2013, 2014 - Virgin London Marathon guest speaker / presenter Dorney Lake, Eaton
2014 - MotionMetrix.se Motion Capture Running Gait / Clinical Gait 3D performance analysis
2014 to 2019 - StrideUK performance Analysis, 3D Running gait analysis
2019 to present - Running injury clinic MitchinHovePark
Running biomechanics over the past 20 years has seen so many conflicts, U-turns and band wagon theories as to why we get injured when we run. In my opinion, technology has been key to allowing us to progress from delivering a clinical hypothesis (a theoretical assumption) to now being able to deliver evidence based diagnosis using Physics (science of matter, motion and energy and gravitational laws) to be way more accurate with improving performance and rehabilitating injuries.
I'm more than proficiant with the following running conditions:
- Runners knee (pain outside the knee which tends to stem from the hip)
- Medial / Lateral (inside and outside) knee ligament pain / discomfort
- Menicus, ACL / PCL ligament injuries
- Patella femoral pain / knee tracking / tendonopathy
- Shin pain (medial / lateral)
- Ankle sprains (inversions / eversions)
- Calf strains / tears / ruptures
- Achillies pain / tendonopathy
- Foot pain (Plantar faccitus / bone spurs / mortons neuroma)
- Upper limb muscle strains (Quads / hamstring tears / groin strains / ruptures)
- Hip / Glute pain / discomfort (piriformis syndrome / sciatica)
What to expect when visiting me:
Expect a warm welcome when you visit (can't think of anything better than to shoot the breeze with a fellow running addict!) Expect lots of questions to allow me to understand your running background and to also help me to determine where you are in the injury cycle. We'll conduct a few tests, certainly nothing to break you into a sweat but sufficient to understand your mobility. I'll evaluate, test and examine the area thoroughly and give you my very best jargon free verdict and a clear, quick and easy to follow program to support you back to functioning normally again.
Expect hands on therapy too (time pending):
I'm a huge avocate of hands on therapy. I believe that massage, manipulation and mobilisation played a fundimental role in rehabbing me back in my prime. Every treatment I provide is based on what treatment I'd like to expect if booking in for rehab. Ensuring your comfort is paramount and therefore it's important to work at a pressure or intensity that's right for you.
Treatment courses available:
Appointments are 60 or 90 Minutes (many prefer extended treatment time). Priced at £65 for the hour and £90 for the 90 minutes. Courses of 6 for the price of 5 are also available saving you £13 per treatment. This works well for runners looking at regular treatment over a training season. There are no expiry dates when buying a course. Credit cards excluding American Express are accepted.
Book Online / Anytime
Feel free to either call on 01273 950035 to book an appointment or use my online booking system to access my diary 24/7. It's really easy to use and you can access this anytime of day / night. You'll get text and email reminders the day before and directions too if you havent visited me before. If visiting me, be rest assured, I'll take you through everything I know about your injury and empower you with all you need to do to get you out of discomfort and help get you back to doing what you love to do.