Proudly supporting The Brighton Academy
It's with great pleasure to be the offical injury, rehab & performance therapist to The Brighton Academy. The Brighton Academy is one of the country's leading vocational training providers in Musical Theatre & Professional Dance. They offer a comprehensive performing arts and musical theatre curriculum at degree, foundation and postgraduate levels. They’re a great company to work with and I love to help support dancers be the best versions of themselves as possible.
Becoming a professional dancer requires putting in a lot of training and can place huge demands on the body. Its therefore fundamental to keep yourself in tip top condition and listen to your body should it start giving you some early warning signs.If you are a member of The Brighton Academy and require some support or rehabilitation, you'll find me at London Road Campus every Wednesday from 9am. If you require treatment outside of Campus on other days, you can book online here using my very easy to follow booking system. Treatment times can vary but usually no longer than 45 minutes. If you'd prefer to have a chat to discuss your injury prior to making an appointment, please always feel free to call me on 07836242242. If I’m not available to take your call, leave a voice mail or message me, I’ll get back to you in a heartbeat!
Things you can do to in the meantime if you feel you've injured or pushed your body too hard:
Removing yourself from the movement that caused the discomfort is the most important thing you can do. When discomfort strikes, the brain receives a neuro message from the muscle which in turn tightens up the muscle to avoid further damage. At the same time, the brian will release inflammation into the area which is why you may notice swelling too. Resting will reduce further damage and if you're able to apply some ice to the area (dont freeze it!) this will help reduce the inflammation and help turn the injury round quicker. Never underestimate how cooling the area helps with reducing downtime.

Always best to visit me after 24 / 36 hours of injury. Given hopefully in that time you've rested and iced the area sufficiently, we can then test thoroughly and hopefully get a full understanding as to what you've done and more importantly devise a plan as to how we're going to rehabilitate it to get you back to doing what you love to do! When visiting, expect plenty of questions to allow me to tap in to where you are in the injury cycle. Together we'll discuss a rehab program and keep it simple and easy to follow. We can also talk taping and strapping if you need to be functioning in a very short space of time. Keep positive, we can do this!

As mentioned earlier, Icing the area privides dividends to help reduce down time. Removing yourself from teh movement that triggered discomfort is very important too. The quicker you can promote both, the sooner you can get back to doing what you love to do. Never underestimate the importance of rest and ice!